Building the future
of quantum computing
We are developing next-generation photonic chips for faster and more efficient quantum computing solutions for the industry.
Quantum computers promise to solve problems that are not accessible with classical computers within an acceptable computation time. This applies, for example, to the development of new materials, battery cell development, or the optimisation of complex logistical systems.
Only with a sufficiently high level of networking of many computing units (qubits) in one system can a higher computing speed be achieved compared to classical computers.
Especially at this scale, the photonic approach, which uses light particles (photons) as qubits, offers enormous advantages. Because the functions required for the computing operations can be produced on a single chip using mature semiconductor manufacturing processes.
Our goal is to provide a competitive advantage for the calculation of industrially relevant applications
As a first example, we're looking at how quantum computing could optimise flight schedules in real-time when unforeseen delays occur at airports. This could minimise the disruption for both travellers and airlines.

Image courtesy: Marcus Spiske on Unsplash
Our consortium of university researchers, startups, and industry leaders is developing a new photonic computer architecture to power a quantum computer with up to 100 qubits.
The integrated (monolithic) design of this architecture combined with its scalable manufacturing - based on established manufacturing processes from the semiconductor industry - promises rapid further development beyond 100 qubits after this project.
Tailored to this new architecture, both optimized algorithms for specific problems and algorithms for universal quantum computing will be developed during the course of the project and made available to the public via cloud connection.
Image courtesy: RWTH Aachen University/Arne Hollmann
Achim, Germany
ficonTEC provides device micro-assembly and testing solutions for the photonic device industry. These solutions are realized as cutting-edge, high-precision production systems utilizing advanced automation approaches, regardless of the device material and target application. Our modular system architecture is additionally scalable, so that exploratory, proof-of-process development as well as high-volume manufacturing requirements are addressable – and anything in between.
A globally installed base of over 1000 systems (Q1 2022) is already serving integrated photonics applications in telecom and datacom sectors, for 5G infrastructure, in 3D sensing for smartphone, automotive and aerospace applications, in high-power diode laser assembly, and in many others. ficonTEC is also actively involved in current international initiatives that are designed to reduce time-to-market for integrated photonics technology all within the current transition to high-volume manufacturing processes.
Key focus point in this project is to provide a machine that is capable of automated fiber active alignment with best possible coupling efficiency.
Fraunhofer IOF in Jena conducts applied research in the field of photonics and develops innovative optical systems to control light - from its generation and manipulation to its application.
In the PhoQuant project, the Fraunhofer IOF is the place, where Gaussian Boson Sampling (GBS) demonstrator with up to 100 photonic modes will be assembled and operated. This sophisticated demonstrator serves as a key component in exploring and harnessing the power of quantum computing for complex problem-solving processes that surpass traditional computing capabilities. The GBS demonstrator will be made accessible to the public via the web, enabling widespread interaction and engagement with this cutting-edge technology. This accessibility aims to foster a greater understanding and development of quantum technologies among researchers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts worldwide, thereby contributing significantly to the field of quantum optics and computational advancements.
Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Dresden, Germany
Fraunhofer IPMS is a leading international research and development service provider for electronic, photonic and mechanical microsystems in the application fields of intelligent industrial solutions, medical technology and mobility. IPMS has a broad portfolio of analogue and digital IP cores for use in FPGA and ASIC mixed-signal designs. The focus is on both high-voltage and high-frequency circuits, which are used in particular in optical applications, communication technology and MEMS sensors and actuators.
Within the PhoQuant project, IPMS is designing a highly integrated ASIC solution for the electro-optical modulation of waveguide-based Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZI). These MZIs are a central component of the photonic quantum chip based on LNOI. Hundreds or thousands of MZIs are controlled in parallel using high switching voltages in order to achieve the desired phase shifts along the optical paths. The physical level of electro-optical control is then made available to the user by implementing a digital quantum code execution layer.
The work group of Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert, located at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Freie Universität Berlin, is one of the leading teams focussing on quantum information theory, quantum many-body theory, and applications of quantum optics.
In PhoQuant, Prof. Eisert and his co-workers develop protocols for quantum error-correction and -mitigation with a special emphasis on GKP codes, and explore quantum advantages and verification techniques for optical architectures.
The Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena has a long-standing tradition and competence in design, fabrication and application of active and passive optical and photonic elements. It is also very well-known for its developments in the area of high power laser technology and nowadys also in quantum optics. Collaborative projects with companies ensure practical relevance and feasibility.
Within the PhoQuant project, The Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is responsible for:
- Development of technologies for LNOI waveguides and modulators
- Development of quantum-state sources on LNOI
- Development of advanced interferometer concepts
The Neuromorphic Quantumphotonics group at Heidelberg University is responsible for the development of waveguide-integrated photon-number resolving (PNR) detectors based on superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs).
The integration of an array of waveguide SNSPDs into a low-loss photonic beam splitter network aims to implement a single-shot photon number resolving scheme, capable of counting up to 3 photons simultaneously.
To achieve high system detection efficiency, the group will focus on developing scalable and efficient optical coupling interfaces.
Karlsruhe, Germany
HQS provides software for materials scientists in the chemical industry, as well as in academia. Sophisticated quantum-level models of materials and their molecular properties give researchers the deeper insights they need to identify the ideal solution for their needs.
In scope of PhoQuant project, HQS provide software for quantum simulation of vibronic molecular spectra.
The Humboldt-University (HU) group has a long-year experience with the generation of non-classical states of light. In the project, HUB will generate non-Gaussian GKP-states as a resource for fault-tolerant quantum information processing. Additionally, a photon-number resolving detector system based on superconducting transition edge chips will be realized.
Achim, Germany
Menlo Systems is a leading developer and global supplier of instrumentation for precision metrology on the highest level. The company with headquarters in Martinsried near Munich is known for its Nobel Prize winning optical frequency comb technology. The main product lines are optical frequency combs, solutions for time and frequency distribution, ultrastable lasers, terahertz systems, and femtosecond lasers.
In this project, Menlo provides two major parts. Firstly, a pulsed laser system, which is used to generate squeezed light by means of parametric-down conversion. Secondly, a path length stabilization system, which is used to stabilize the phase of qubits.
The Paderborn University is responsible for setting up the academic test platform for Gaussian boson sampling. Based on the Paderborn University's long-standing experience in the field of quantum source technology, this test platform is designed to thoroughly investigate the performance of key components.
Stuttgart, Germany
The Swabian Instruments GmbH is a provider of scientific electronics equipment established in 2016 and its headquarters is located in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, Germany. As a spin-off of the University of Stuttgart and with a major customer base in academia, Swabian Instruments is strongly committed to participation in research activities. The continuous exchange with researchers on current challenges is a key to the success of the company. Swabian Instruments is contributing to PhoQuant by detecting and processing single-photon events by tailored evaluation algorithms for photon-number resolution.
Swabian Instruments' major product line is the Time Tagger Series, a time-to-digital converter for a broad range of applications. With a single-shot precision of 2 ps RMS jitter (1.5 ps in HighRes mode), the Time Tagger X matches the requirements of the fastest single-photon detectors on the market. Beyond the original applications in quantum optics and life science, in recent years new fields have been entered such as frequency stability analysis and synchronization monitoring. This versatility is supported by the unique data streaming and software architecture of the Time Tagger Series. Arbitrary filter and analysis threads can run in parallel and allow the user to interpret the incoming data stream in a highly customizable way.
Planegg, Germany
The TEM Messtechnik GmbH is an innovative medium-sized company in Hannover. It was established in 1988 and changed to a GmbH (Ldt.) in 1999. The team of about 15 employees is headed by Dr. Thomas Müller-Wirts (CEO).
The team is specialized in converting scientific results and ideas into real-world applications. For many years, it has convinced with fundamental knowledge and innovative ideas. Numerous national and international references prove the cutting-edge and solution-oriented skills.
The development process goes from the first idea to the production-ready solution and includes customer specific adaption of the standard products, new development at the electronic devices, analog and digital solutions, OEM-boards, modular systems or stand-alone devices.
Stuttgart, Germany
Q.ANT is a high-tech startup driving and industrialising photonic quantum technologies in the fields of computing and sensor technology – providing new insights based on photonic data generation and data processing and pushing the borders to new fields of application and processes. In the area of photonic computing, we strive to transcend the limitations of classical computing systems with our systems, opening up new horizons for discovery and innovation in various disciplines such as science, engineering, artificial intelligence, finance, and healthcare.
The Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Center for Quantum BioSciences is headed by Prof. Dr. Martin B Plenio, pursues research in a wide range of topics in the fields of quantum information theory, quantum technologies, quantum sensing and quantum biology. Two quantum technology start-ups, NVision Imaging Technologis and QC Design have been bee spun-out to transfer research results from the group to the market place.
In PhoQuant we are contributing work towards the numerical simulation of photonic devices, their theoretical and experimental characterisation, the design of new experiments as well as the identification of potential use cases for boson samplers, notably in the field of organic photovoltaics.
This is where our research
takes shape:
- J. Conrad, J. Eisert, and F. Arzani, “Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes: A lattice perspective,” Quantum 6, 648 (2022).
- A. Deshpande, A. Mehta, T. Vincent, N. Quesada, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, L. Madsen, J. Lavoie, H. Qi, J. Eisert, D. Hangleiter, B. Fefferman, and I. Dhand, “Quantum computational advantage via high-dimensional Gaussian boson sampling,” Sci. Adv. 8, 1, eabi7894 (2022).
- J. D. Guimarães, J. Lim, M.I. Vasilevskiy, S.F. Huelga and M.B. Plenio, “Noise-assisted digital quantum simulation of open quantum systems,” PRX Quantum 4, 040329 (2023)
- J. D. Guimaraes, A. Ruiz-Molero, J. Lim, M. I. Vasilevsky, S. F. Huelga, and M. B. Plenio, “Optimized noise-assisted simulation of the Lindblad equation with time-dependent coefficients on a noisy quantum processor,” Phys. Rev. A 109, 052224 (2024)
- J. Guimaraes, M.I. Vasilevskiy, L. S. Barboas, “Digital quantum simulation of non-perturbative dynamics of open systems with orthogonal polynomials,” Quantum 8, 1242 (2024)
- D. Hangleiter and J. Eisert, “Computational advantage of quantum random sampling,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 95, 035001 (2023), DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.95.035001.
- P. Kumar, M. Younesi, S. Saravi, F. Setzpfandt, and T. Pertsch, „Group index matched frequency conversion in lithium niobate on insulator waveguides,” Frontiers in Photonics (2022), DOI:
- N. Lorenzoni, N. Cho, J. Lim, D. Tamascelli, S.F. Huelga, and M.B. Plenio, “Systematic coarse-graining of environments for the non-perturbative simulation of open quantum systems,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 100403 (2024)
- J. Liu, M. Liu, J.-P. Liu, Z. Ye, Y. Wang, Y. Alexeev, J. Eisert, and L. Jiang, “Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models,” Nat. Commun. 15, 434 (2024).
- N. Pirnay, R. Sweke, J. Eisert, and J.-P. Seifert, “Superpolynomial quantum-classical separation for density modelling,” Phys. Rev. A 107, 4, 042416 (2023)
- N. Pirnay, V. Ulitzsch, F. Wilde, J. Eisert, and J.-P. Seifert, “An in-principle super-polynomial quantum advantage for approximating combinatorial optimization problems via computational learning theory,” Sci. Adv. 10, 11, eadj5170 (2024).
- F. J. Schreiber, J. Eisert, Johannes J. Meyer, “Classical surrogates for quantum learning models,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 100803 (2023), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.100803.
- A. D. Somoza, N. Lorenzoni, J. Lim, S.F. Huelga, and M.B. Plenio, “Driving force and nonequilibrium vibronic structures in charge separation of strongly bound electron-hole pairs,” Comm. Phys. 6, 65 (2023).
- A. De Sio, F. Troiani, J. Rehault, E. Sommer, J. Lim, S.F. Huelga, M.B. Plenio, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo, E. Molinari, and Ch. Lienau, “Tracking the coherent generation of polaron pairs in conjugated polymers,” Nature Comm. 7, 13742 (2016).
- F. H. B. Somhorst, R. van der Meer, M. Correa Anguita, R. Schadow, H. J. Snijders, M. de Goede, B. Kassenberg, P. Venderbosch, C. Taballione, J. P. Epping, H. H. van den Vlekkert, J. Timmerhuis, J. F. F. Bulmer, J. Lugani, I. A. Walmsley, P. W. H. Pinkse, J. Eisert, N. Walk, J. J. Renema, “Quantum simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor,” Nat Commun 14, 3895 (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38413-9.
- M. Younesi, D. Yang, W.-Y. Chung, H-Y- Liu, M. Kumar, O. Abed, A. Fedotova, R. Geiss, F. Setzpfandt, Y.-H. Chen and T. Pertsch, “Erbium doping of lithium niobate on insulator using low-temperature ion exchange,” Optics Materials Express 14, 157 (2024)
- J. Conrad, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert, “Good Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes from the NTRU cryptosystem,” arXiv:2303.02432 (2023)
- S. Krishnaswamy, F. Schule, L. Ares, V. Dyachuk, M. Stefszky, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, J. Sperling, “Retrieval of photon statistics from click detection,” arXiv:2403.11673v1 (2024).
- F. A. Mele, A. A. Mele, L. Bittel, J. Eisert, V. Giovannetti, L. Lami, L. Leone, and S. F. E. Oliviero, “Learning quantum states of continuous variable systems,” arXiv:24050143 (2024).
- R. J. Marshman, D. Singh, T. C. Ralph, A. P. Lund, “Unitary Averaging with Fault and Loss Tolerance,” arXiv:2304.14637 (2023)
- T. Schapeler, N. Lamberty, T. Hummel, F. Schlue, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, T. J. Bartley “How well can superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors resolve photon number?,” arXiv:2310.12471v2 (2023).
- D. Singh, A. P. Lund, P. P. Rohde, “Optical cluster-state generation with unitary averaging,” arXiv:2209.15282 (2022)
- Y. Quek, D. Stilck França, S. Khatri, J. J. Meyer, J. Eisert, “Exponentially tighter bounds on limitations of quantum error mitigation,” arXiv:2210.11505 (2022)
- F. Eilenberger, T. Pertsch, F. Setzpfandt, M. Weißflog, S. Saravi, „Verfahren zur Erzeugung von verschränkten Photonen,“ Patenanmeldung 102024100346.4 (2024)
- F. Eilenberger, S. Schmitt, „Konzept und Herstellung von Schichtwellenleitern für nichtlineare integrierte Optik,“ DE 10 2023 123 625.3 (2024)
- F.O. Steinlechner, M. Cabrejo Ponce, L. J. Gonzalez Martin Del Campo, “High time resolving single photon detection,” EP4300056 A1 (2024)
- E. Bazzazi, R. A. Kögler, L. Reichgardt and O. Benson, “Optical Protocol for Generating Squeezed Coherent State Superpositions,” DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (2024).
- O. Page, I. Konyshev, V. Spreter, R. Jaha, E. Jung, S. Ferrari, W. Pernice, “Progress in the realization of multi-channels waveguide-integrated photon number resolving detectors,” SPIE Defence and Commercial Sensing conference, 13025-7 (2024).
- L. Reichgardt, B. Ozturk, O. Benson and R. A. Kögler, “Heralded Squeezed Coherent State Superpositions from a Catalysis Protocol,” accepted for presentation at Quantum 2.0 (2024).
- L. Reichgardt, B. Ozturk, O. Benson and R. A. Kögler, “Heralded Squeezed Coherent State Superpositions from a Catalysis Protocol,” Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society (2024).
- “Simulation of breeding protocols of optical non-Gaussian states”, Bachelor Thesis, Humboldt-University, 22.01.2024
- Alexander, K. et al. A manufacturable platform for photonic quantum computing. arXiv:2404.17570 (2024).
- Konno, Shunya, et al. "Logical states for fault-tolerant quantum computation with propagating light." Science 383.6680 (2024): 289-293.
- Oh, C., Liu, M., Alexeev, Y., Fefferman, B. & Jiang, L. Tensor network algorithm for simulating experimental Gaussian boson sampling, arxiv.2306.03709 (2023).
- Oh, C., Fefferman, B., Jiang, L. & Quesada, N. Quantum-inspired classical algorithm for graph problems by Gaussian boson sampling. arXiv (2023) doi:10.48550/arxiv.2302.00536.
- Oh, C., Lim, Y., Wong, Y., Fefferman, B. & Jiang, L. Quantum-inspired classical algorithms for molecular vibronic spectra. Nat. Phys. 20, 225–231 (2024).
- Grier, D., Brod, D. J., Arrazola, J. M., Alonso, M. B. de A. & Quesada, N. The Complexity of Bipartite Gaussian Boson Sampling. Quantum 6, 863 (2022).
- Bouland, A. et al. Complexity-theoretic foundations of BosonSampling with a linear number of modes, arxiv.2312.00286 (2023).
- Thekkadath, G. S. et al. Experimental Demonstration of Gaussian Boson Sampling with Displacement. PRX Quantum 3, 020336 (2022).
- Sempere-Llagostera, S., Patel, R. B., Walmsley, I. A. & Kolthammer, W. S. Experimentally Finding Dense Subgraphs Using a Time-Bin Encoded Gaussian Boson Sampling Device. Phys. Rev. X 12, 031045 (2022).
- Winnel, Matthew S., et al. "Deterministic preparation of optical squeezed cat and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states." arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10510 (2023).
- Yu, S. et al. A universal programmable Gaussian boson sampler for drug discovery. Nat. Comput. Sci. 3, 839–848 (2023).